So yesterday I started Wk. 26 which means that today I get to take my Glucose Test! That means that this pregnant lady cannot have food from Midnight last night til noon today when I get to take the test. The test, I am told consists of me chugging a very sweet liquid and then having my blood drawn, one hour after the test. Seems easy enough. What's not easy is this horrific fasting business. Cub and I are not fans of not being able to eat things. To help distract myself from the pantry and the fridge and the hunger pains in my stomach I have decided to blog throughout the process of getting tested for GD!

Currently it's 9:12 and I am starving. I'm distracting myself from thinking about food as much as I possibly can. With everything from yoga to Bible studies to laundry to dishes to watching Hildago. All I want is a breakfast sandwich from Bread Co. {Panera to all you non-STL people.} I keep walking past the fridge and opening it and then mentally smacking myself and forcing myself to walk away and do something else.

10:32. I have finished folding and organizing all of my sister's laundry. Food is amazingly beautiful and all I can think about. My Bear Cub has finished his hibernation and is now insistently kicking me wondering why he has not yet been fed. Rather than try to explain Gestational Diabetes to my unborn son, I settled for simply promising him that he will be fed in a few hours. I promise. Lord give me strength because I have an extremely weak will and my son is cute when he kicks my organs. I might give in. Should I call and cancel and reschedule later this week? I could. STOP! I AM STRONG. I AM SPARTA.

Ok Seriously though my Mom and sister are trying to kill me by re-heating pizza. What is this? College? You people need to eat breakfast food first of all and secondly you don't need to be eating while I am within five miles of this house. 1 more freaking hour and then I can go!

Enroute to Lab Corps!

Just finished chugging my drink. It wasn't orange like I thought it was going to be. But it tastes like flat orange soda. Wouldn't be too bad with vodka. And now we wait. Brought my book to chill with and some lady just walked in wearing ninja turtle pajamas. One hour and I'll be chowing down. 

Twenty minutes in and Cub gets the hiccups which are very inconvenient in public. Cause then I can't laugh. Which I really want to. 

Holy crap! Just about ten minutes left! I've done it. Now. What to do about food? Where do I want to eat?? The answer by the way is EVERYWHERE! Well I'm going to try and squeeze one more chapter in on my book. Then I give them some of my blood and I can EAT! 

Finished. I'm not a huge fan of needles but when that's all that's standing between me and a Big Mac, bring it. Enroute to Mom's office and lunch with her and one of my sissies! Cub is still enjoying his sugar high and wiggling all around. 

At 4:19 it's been 3 hours and 10 minutes since I've finished my GD test and I'm beginning to crash after my sugar high and Chickfila sandwich. Cub has been fast asleep for the past hour or so. I think I'm going to join him here in a bit. Over and out.


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