10 Reaons I Love...

An estimated 65 days left and then I will no longer have a round bump and an obsession with pickle relish...I am unashamedly, a very sappy, hopelessly nostalgic, pregnant woman, so today I reminisced about my top 10 reasons I actually enjoy being fat and forgetful. Ahem:

10 Reasons I Love Being Pregnant
  1. Food- I love my cravings. Mostly vinegar based, though the early days had me craving carbs like brownies and waffles. And sweets. Ice cream was one of the few things I could actually keep down. That being said I may or may not have considered the names "Ben" and "Jerry" for Cub's name. Benjamin Jerome....hmm. I wouldn't rule it out.
  2. Part of the miracle process- People don't seem to get the wonder and awe with which I look down on my stomach {usually moving these days on its own accord} and just stare. I'm growing a mini me inside me. I had some hand in helping to create him. I'm the first thing that he will know as a home. He's going to grow up and become something amazing. He's so tiny and vulnerable, and out of all the women on earth, I got picked to be his mommy. To love him and care for him and raise him and teach him right from wrong. It's mind blowing.
  3. Anticipating rediscovering the world with Cub-When I bring him outside for fresh air and Vitamin D I get to see the world through new eyes. His eyes. He's going to be toddling around and discover his first worm and ask me where it comes from and then we get to dig in the dirt and find all the worm's brothers and sisters and mommies and daddies and I get to tell him where they come from and that they live in the ground to help the grass grow. And then I get to explain why the grass is green. And the sky is blue. And the sun is very hot and we can't touch it, just like Mommy's coffee. And holy crap when it snows?! That's Mommy's favorite season and WAIT until I get him out on the slopes. Holy mother of Moses. I'm going to have way too much fun with this munchkin. 
  4. Growing closer to my own mom as my body changes and I constantly ask the question "Is this normal?!"- She's probably sick of me. I call her in the middle of the night because it feels weird and I can't find the answer on the internet. We laugh about some {but not all} of my bodily changes and she always tells me that I look pretty in something. I love it. She shares her wisdom and encouragement. I value my relationship with her now more than ever before. 
  5. Getting to prepare myself to teach, and researching fun, innovative ways to work in some intelligence- I love reading. In case you missed that. I am a book hoarder, a librarian, a self proclaimed researcher of all things interesting. Being homeschooled when I was younger, only instilled in me a deeper love of going the extra mile when it came to my studies. My parents were my first teachers and I cannot wait to be Cub's! I'm lining up a stellar list of books to read to him when he finally gets here! The poor kid is going to be well versed in all of the classics, before he is even able to understand English.
  6. I know where he is 24/7-He is safe and with me and I don't have those awkward baby carseats to carry around. I'm not looking forward to that stage because honestly I'm on the shorter end of the average height scale and when I used to volunteer and work in different barns, carrying water buckets....oi. The struggle was real. My shins ache just thinking about it. Plus feeding him right now is super easy too. 
  7. Learning to be ok with my body no matter what shape it is in. I wasn't always the best at loving myself. Even when I was small and skinny, my mindset towards myself wasn't the healthiest. Now that I'm pregnant, I have had to challenge myself to love me even when I look like crap {Where the heck is my glow?!}. It's been a healthy and kinda beautiful journey.  
  8. The benefits that my hair and nails get from my prenatal vitamins! My hair stylist was dumbfounded at the growth acceleration in both...not that I need anymore hair to add to my mane...
  9. Discovering yoga and how beneficial it is for me and my baby. I still cannot tell you enough how much I love the stretches and how great I feel after having done them. They are definitely a huge part of my morning routine and the days that I don't do them, I feel cranky.  
  10. I have someone to talk to all the time- Granted I probably look like a crazy woman talking to myself, but it's pretty comforting having someone I can read out loud to, or sing to, or just think through my decisions out loud with. He's a great advisor...1 kick means "yes", 2 kicks means "no".
#flashbackfriday 3 months pregnant! 


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