Cub has gotten so many gifts lately! You have to see them, because I am over the moon excited for them all!

This week was the home opener at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, and since everyone in my family is huge Cardinals fans, most of Cub's recent gifts have a lot to do with feeding our baseball obsession. So far, both of his grandmas have exhibited appropriate grandmotherly nesting traits and are spoiling their little man. 
First Cardinal's Jersey 
Cardinals jersey- it's a no brainer {despite his nickname} Cub is going to be raised in Cardinals nation and will root for and love the St. Louis Cardinals. Alex and I saw this jersey at the mall...and we couldn't resist. We had to get him his first jersey! It looks tiny but we went ahead and got him a 24 month old one because we want him to be able to wear it for as long as possible! 

Baseball burp cloths, socks and shoes! 
Socks, Burp cloths, Shoes- all baseball themed of course because, well like I said, Cub is going to be born in the middle of the baseball season, in the center of Cardinal nation, so what else would he be styling?! Grandma Ramshaw outdid herself on this! 

Sooooooooo cute! And I love the details! 

First Louisville Baseball Bat from Nana Harrell! More a decorative piece for the dresser in the nursery, I'm sure I'm going to catch him using it for "practice" in a couple of years! 

Cub's Easter Elephant  from Nana Harrell

Elephant music box- When I woke up Easter morning and saw this in my easter basket I was smitten. Not only is he a very cuddly elephant he also plays one of my favorite childhood lullabys. Nana Harrell is the best! 

Mama and Baby Elephant from Grandma Ramshaw

Grandma Ramshaw is also very wise in knowing about my obsession with elephants, so she surprised me with this snuggliest plush Mama and Baby Elephant! I may or may not be sleeping with them every single'll never know. 

A good friend of my family, Kathy Rothermich also gave me a sweet gift! It's a first year calendar for Cub! Every single month there is something new to document and it comes with the cutest stickers in the back to keep track of  his milestones he reaches, for example: when he starts crawling, cuts his first tooth, etc. I can't WAIT to utilize this and after looking through the stickers I realize that he is going to be getting so big so fast! 
Baby's First Year Calendar

Sticker to mark special days on our Calendar


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