Marriage Games

Gooooooooood morning world! Cub decided that 5 am should totally be his wake up time today, so I have been up since quite literally the crack of dawn trolling the internet and reading my Bible. I found this fun "Marriage Game" consisting of questions to ask your spouse about yourself and since I was riding into work with Alex this morning, we decided to play it. I recorded it on my phone and transcribed it for your morning entertainment! Enjoy!

R: What is something I always say to you?
A: I'm a terrible wife.
R: What makes me happy?
A: Bear Family Cuddle Puddles!
R: What makes me sad?
A: Feeling like you don't do enough for me.
R: What was I like as a child?
A: I want to say like, cute little girly...but then I also wanna say rowdy and rambunctious.
R: *laughs* Both....
R: How old am I?
A: 22
R: How tall am I?
A: 5'3"...and a 1/2"
R: What is my favorite thing to do?
A: As of right now or in general?
R: Just in general.
A: I think that would have to be hanging out with me and making memories. Adventuring bascially.
R: What do I do when you're not around?
A: Read your book and blog.
R: If I become famous, what will it be for?
A: being a blogger.
R: What am I good at?
A: .......
R: Woooooow.
A: *laughs* Writing. You're good at writing.
R:What is my favorite food?
A: As like, Pregnant Rachel or Normal Rachel?
R: Just Normal Rachel.
A: You like your dad's BBQ
R: What am I not good at?
A: Sports
R: *gasps* REALLY?
A: Videogames.
R: Wait am I really not good at sports?
A; I don't know I've never seen you play sports....Videogames.
R: what do we do together?
A: Watch Netflix TV shows...specifically "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"
R: How are you an dI the same?
A: We have the same type of humor.
R: What is my favorite place to eat?
A: I wanna say either Jimmy John's or Steak n' Shake.
R: Bonefish....?
A: Whoops, I forgot about that!
R: How old was I when you met me?
A: 20
R:When is our anniversary?
A: Dating or Marriage?
R: Ummm. Wedding.
A: April 28th
R: And Dating?
A: June 22nd.
R: And....that's all. That's all the anniversaries we have.
R: If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
A: Back to the Caribbean.
R: Do you think you could live with me forever?
A: Sometimes...jk yes.
R: How do I annoy you?
A: You touch me all the time...and my ADD goes off the wall.
R: What is your favorite thing about me?
A: Your petiteness cause it's so cute! 


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