Week 38 Day 2 consists of packing, blogging, filling out forms, cleaning, laundry, minor contractions, and not NEARLY ENOUGH COFFEE.
God I miss coffee.
I miss the way it warmed my hands, my heart and my intellect.
I would walk {read: waddle} a thousand miles for one freaking cup of coffee.
And yet. Here I am.
Blogging without my nectar.
My ambrosia.
Dear Lord.
Yes I realize I'm pathetic but who knew that a Craigslist ad could be so hard to fill out and post without coffee?
Don't talk to me. Don't tell me it will be ok. I don't want to hear that.
I have a bullet journal that I'm supposed to be conquering and my type A personality won't let me touch it without my black magic in a cup.
I should blog more. It helps with all the feels.
Alright back to craigslist and trying to eye ball the dimensions of my bunk/desk bed from HS.
Speaking of, does anyone want a bunk bed?


COMING SOON: My smoking hot husband has agreed to write a blog post {with little to no bribes from me} and it will be featured on Father's Day! Provided of course that I am able to move my tiny family and our belongings, and don't go into labor before then!
Happy Tuesday!

Dear Cubbers,
Tuesday's suck and that's all you need to know about that. Love you and settle down ok? We aren't doing any Evel Knievel stunts while in the womb. Got it? xoxoxoxoxo
~Mama Bear


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