Today is a good day! Despite my email being hacked and sending a virus to everyone in my is a good day.

Today is a good day! Despite the fact that my shoes that I ordered for Noah three weeks ago still aren't here. But the good news is they found them {in New York!} and now they are finally being shipped here.

Today is a good day! Noah did great last night for the first time in a couple of days, which makes Mama Bear feel like super woman. We were, all three of us, up at 7:50 am, which allowed for Mama and Daddy to actually eat breakfast together and read a story with Cub before Daddy headed off to work. Noah is currently asleep for his nap after a quick lunch and I'm going to start looking into transcribing opportunities and editing some videos. 

Today is a good day. We are going to visit the in-laws for dinner at my sister and brother's new apartment. 

Mindset is important. 'Specially as a Mama raising her baby to appreciate good even when things go slightly south...Today is a good day, if you say it is. 


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