12 Weeks!!

Howwwwww on earth are we already at 12 weeks with our little man cub?! Oh but what a lovely, adventurous, beautiful 12 weeks they have been! I have enjoyed every single second {yep, all 7, 257, 600 of them!} of being Noah's Mama!

He is definitely getting stronger by the minute and loves scooching everywhere on his tummy tum. Whether we are on the bed, or the floor, or even on Daddy's tummy, Noah is trying to get everywhere these days by himself.

Also, Someone has discovered his toes! It's so stinking cute to watch his eyes widen in excitement and curiosity as his little fingers grab at his little toes, although sometimes he gets so excited he starts kicking his feet and loses his grip. Oh well, all a learning process.

I would say more but you'll just have to wait  for the actual 3 month mile marker post!



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