*WARNING* By opening this post you may have exposed yourself to germs unknowingly, please take advantage of hand sanitizer and vitamin C. Face Masks are optional beyond this point. Proceed at your own risk.

It's the 3rd day of the flu. I can no longer breathe through my nose, my ears are ringing and my throat is sore. On the upside I am no longer throwing up and my fever has broken. I hate being sick and achy, and now that I'm a mom, I hate it even more. I can't hold Noah, and we have to keep him out of our room. Since Alex is sick too, my Mom has been Noah's main buddy.

Our particular strain of the flu started with sore throats and then led to stuffy noses, vomiting, and fever and chills, along with dehydration. Consequently, Alex had to miss two days of work and I've had to miss one.

The floor of our room {before I tidied it two seconds ago, out of sheer necessity} is littered with tissues, popsicle sticks, and glasses and glasses containing varying levels of fluids. The bed is piled high with soft fuzzy, germ infused blankets, and we have been doing a marathon of "Planet of the Apes".  I've had a blinding headache for two days.

The cure?
Try more like "the 5 cures" cause we have not been stopping at just one.

We have been spraying everything down with Nixall, which is a organic form of Lysol basically. I didn't want to be spraying chemicals all over Cubby's things so we opted for the safest form of germ killers.

ESSENTIAL OILS ARE THE NEW LOVE OF MY LIFE. I'm not going to pretend that I know all of what they contain or even all that they are capable of doing. But I will tell you this: I've been applying "on guard" and "serenity" to my feet and they seem to be helping a lot. I have taken one dose of DayQuil and one dose of Nyquil, but I'm not going to lie, as much as they seem to help. I don't think they do the greatest job at actually curing you. They just basically mask your symptoms. Anywho, feel free to read some more about essential oils at your leisure. They are worth checking out.

Anyways, pass the hot chocolate and Grey's Anatomy cause I am burrowing back into my covers for the next 24 hours. K. Bai. Also yes I realize this makes somewhat topsy turvey sense.


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