Big News!

Ok. After a pot of coffee I think I am ready to tell you my big news. I'm not going to lie this is really hard for me to confess. Especially since like...this is a part of me that I don't usually share with the world {even though, ironically enough, I'm a blogger}.

I am writing a novel.

50,000 words.
30 days.

For those who are now staring at this post with a concentrated look of confusion, let me clarify some things!

A) This is not really that surprising if you knew me when I was, like, I don't know...10? I have always loved to write, I kept a diary, a journal, since forever. I started my first blog when I was 18 {As of today I have founded 5 blogs, but actually it's only 4 since one was for a communications grade in college and therefore doesn't count}. I have just always loved the magic of taking my thoughts and scribbling them on paper for my grandchildren to discover and pour over them someday. However I concur that this is something of a shock. But nevertheless I am committed!

B) NaNoWriMo is an acronym for "National Novel Writing Month"...I know. But it's actually a thing. Basically they challenge EVERYONE to go out on a limb and write 50,000 words in 30 days. It's all on the honor system, you cannot write one single letter before November 1st. BUT you can plan as much as you like. So in between planning the wedding reception and just my crazy life in general I have been plotting, scribbling, and outlining my novel.

C) If you think this is something you would like to participate in, or you think I've done an absolutely terrible job at explaining everything check out NaNoWriMo's website! You'll find all your answers there! Honestly, without the encouragement of this website, it would probably take me years to write just one novel. But since I created my account with them, they keep me motivated and excited, plus it's a great way to meet other writers in your area!

Wish me luck!!!


  1. I am participating in NaNoWriMo this year :) My name on there is kathy taffy.


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