6 Months!

As I type this, Noah is sitting in his bumbo {or rather hanging over the edge of it, in a sketchy way} trying to snatch at pretty much everything that's in range, and everything that's not. That could pretty much sum up all of month 6, if we had to! He had been crazyyyyyyy active, not slowing down even for a millisecond. It really makes me look forward to a little down time during his naps. I love my little man and his natural curiosity, but goodness he's been keeping us all on our toes. How does he manage to tire two adult human beings and still not be tired?! Here's to looking back on Month 6, which is relatively easy since it's almost the end of 2016, and sadly almost the end of Noah's birth year......But for now let's just focus on the past month!

This month has been the busiest of Noah's life, celebrating his First Holiday Season! He's been quite the champ about it all too. No fits, no fusses, only happy smiles, and at worst some large yawns when we take him out to make memories with our little tribe, and our larger extended families! What a Merry Christmas we've had as a family of three!

Pictureeeeeee time!

Those eyes! Ugh. They melt my heart every single time!
His first snow fall! Well....it was just a dusting, but it still counts!
Becoming Daddy's best bud!

Some sad events this month included saying goodbye to Jack, the Ramshaw's beloved puppy of 12 years.

Snuggling with Daddy after a long day's work in the cold.

Noah's Favorite things this month:

  • Showing his sense of humor
  • Starting to talk in the car more; instead of the usual sleeping
  • Ripping the wrapping paper off his gifts {and other people's gifts as well!}
  • Eating said wrapping paper
  • Sitting up by himself 
Mama's Favorite things this month:

  • Celebrating the holidays with a baby! 
  • Decorating sugar cookies with Noah!
  • Cuddling next to the Christmas tree for Bible time in the morning
  • Noah guilt tripping me for eating in front of him
  • Continued interest and love for his fishys in the aquarium. 
Daddy's Favorite things this month:

  • Chunky thighs!!
  • Smiling at my jokes and the sign for "Dada"
  • Excitement about Christmas lights
  • His strong arms and legs {which he gets from me!}
  • Sneaky rolling into new positions


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