My Guilty Me-Time

You read the title and immediately are thinking, oh jeesh, another blog post on her horses and her job at the barn and how much she loves working there.....But I have a secret. And it's deep and dark and doesn't like to come out in front of people. Only a handful of people know about it. And that would be my husband and his two best friends who also have the same guilty pleasure...except. Well they actually don't feel quite that guilty about it........ugh. Stop stalling, Mrs. Ramshaw. Get a grip and jsut say the words. Whew. Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

It's time to out myself.
I play League of Legends.

Please judge me mercifully.

It all started back in college....I probably could have gotten a higher GPA if it weren't for my obsession with my KDR. I admit that I have problems. But if it makes any difference to you, my jury, I only have JUST started back up again and only during nap time! I jungle and therefore am able to respond to the calls of my offspring if he needs me.

Do I feel guilty about my me time? Umm yes and no I suppose. I read something somewhere once a long time ago when I was pregnant and it said something to the effect that you can be a great mom about 23/7. You need at least one hour a day to yourself to refresh, recharge, and get your head out of the game to take care of yourself. Now granted it usually ends up being a like 23.5/7 for me, and I don't get my "me time" every single day. But I am learning to lean back and slowly let other people take over the baby and not stress about getting the laundry done by 11 am.

That is all I have to say in my defense.

What's some of your guilty Mom pleasures? Let me know in the comments below!


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