Present over Perfect // Book Review

Books are better when they have been borrowed from and road mapped by a dear friend. I have my beautiful girlfriend, Hope, to thank for lending me her {generously highlighted and underlined} copy to read and review. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely addicted to new books {and their SMELL!!!} but there's something about a book that has been read and read well. If there is not highlighter seeping through the pages, crumbs in the binding and coffee delicately lining the page then you know that the previous readers did not, eat, breathe and live this story. Stick it on your nightstand, honey, it'll be great material for when you're hopelessly counting sheep.

Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist wraps you up in a warm hug and told you that you are NOT superwoman and that's ok. Her series of essays explores of what it looks like to lay our busy schedules at the feet of Jesus and give up.

Shauna isn't afraid to ask the hard questions of life like:

  • "Do you know what it's like to be rested? Truly rested?"
  • "What would happen, what would be lost, if I stopped, or if I slowed down to a pace it felt less like a high-speed chase all day, every day?"
  • "What powers our work when it's no longer about addiction to achievement?"
Basically I need to sit down and have coffee with her and dig deep in my soul about myself. I definitely recommend this book to people who are struggling to find time in their life for the fun things. Or the people, like me, who have lost sight of what truly makes them happy. She encourages her readers to discover their inner child and to chase after them and make them more present in our everyday life. Pick this book up today!

Rachel Rating: 4/5 stars! 


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