Baby Pancake Update!
Hoping you all are having a wonderful week as we tackle the middle of February! Shouldn't it be like January 45th or something? Anyways this week I thought I would give you guys a little update on my pregnancy with Baby Pancake and how I'm dealing with it as a mommy of one tiny human already!
I am just starting my 3rd trimester and I couldn't be more excited to be in the homestretch of meeting my little one! So far this pregnancy has been an absolute breeze and I've had zero issues or complications. Right now the only real symptom that I have is slight discomfort falling asleep at night and right as I start to wake up in the morning. I'm using my Serenity blend of essential oils to help with getting myself to sleep and I've also borrowed {read:stolen} Alex's body pillow. If we are judging by the kicks and wiggles I will venture to say that this little human will be an early bird! I have no real cravings and I seem to be eating a lot of the same food I ate with Noah - lots of orange foods including, cheese and orange juice. And lots of fruits. But I'm also becoming a little obsessed with spinach as well! I'll be sure to include one of my favorite recipes using spinach in an upcoming post! I'm not craving any pickles though so maybe that's a sign it's a girl??? We will have to wait and see in the coming weeks!
My energy is up even without the help of caffeine! I've been trying to drink more water in the mornings to help my day get off to a good start as well some peppermint oil {tax season is upon us at work!} and some Elevation blend as well. I admit I have cheated some and indulged with coffee while we were on vacation in CO and also maybe on Sunday mornings but so far I only miss the actual idea of coffee - the nice warm cup in your hands, the sweetness. But I digress. So far I have managed to keep up with Noah all day with only having to take the occasional nap. I still use the "sleep when he does" rule from when he was a newborn!
Alex and I are so excited to welcome our second little bear to the family and we are counting down the days {which are absolutely flying by thanks to Cub keeping us busy!}. Little Bear 1 doesn't seem to have any clue that momma's growing tum tum is actually a future best friend but he will kiss the bump and occasionally pats it when I ask him too. He knows that there is a baby, but when I ask him where it is he just shrugs. Well, they do say ignorance is bliss. We are going to start finding books to read at the library about being a big brother - but it's pretty hard to get him away from his favorite genre which is Sharks! Of course we will share our favorites with you in our book review section and you'll have to let us know what you think of them!
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