3rd Trimester/Life Update!
SO sorry about my absence on here for the last couple of months, we have been going through some technical difficulties with my laptop! But we are back, just in time to give you an update on this last trimester with Baby Pancake and all that has been going on.
Baby is officially considered to be full term, and Husband and I have completed our birth classes with the birthing center I'm delivering at. We actually ended up enjoying them so much more than we thought that we would, and are now anxiously awaiting our natural birth. The bags are packed, the car seat is installed and the bassinet has been cleaned and set up in our room so we are just waiting on Baby to make it's appearance. I will say having everything already packed and ready to go this time around is giving me so much peace about going into labor, which at this point could happen any day now! Names are still to be finalized but we have a pretty solid top three picked for each gender, so I guess we will just go with what it looks like! Cubby is soaking up these last few weeks {days!} of being an only child, but he is also eager to have a little buddy to romp around with this summer. Everyone is still betting on it being a girl, and I was too up until a couple of weeks ago when I had several dreams about it being a boy. Alex and I at this point don't care what it is, we just want to meet him/her already!
Our minimalism journey has us downsizing left and right especially when it comes to clothes we don't wear, kitchen utensils we don't use, and even paperwork! One of my favorite rules that we have now is as soon as we get the mail, we sort it and recycle all the junk mail/ads. It makes for such a nicer, tidier desk space After a few successful sells on Facebook, we waited a few months and then took the rest of the odds and ends down and donated them to Goodwill. It's not that I'm impatient, I just wanted the 4th corner of our living room back! Decluttering post coming soon!
Under the all watchful management of our 2 year old we built a 4 x 8 raised bed and in the next couple of weeks will start prepping our garden and planting! Our window boxes are also waiting the last of chilly night to pass before playing host to a colorful assortment of flowers!
This spring has been busy and it's about to get even more insane with the arrival of Baby Pancake so if you don't hear from me just assume I'm snuggling my cubs, or elbows deep in my garden!
Baby is officially considered to be full term, and Husband and I have completed our birth classes with the birthing center I'm delivering at. We actually ended up enjoying them so much more than we thought that we would, and are now anxiously awaiting our natural birth. The bags are packed, the car seat is installed and the bassinet has been cleaned and set up in our room so we are just waiting on Baby to make it's appearance. I will say having everything already packed and ready to go this time around is giving me so much peace about going into labor, which at this point could happen any day now! Names are still to be finalized but we have a pretty solid top three picked for each gender, so I guess we will just go with what it looks like! Cubby is soaking up these last few weeks {days!} of being an only child, but he is also eager to have a little buddy to romp around with this summer. Everyone is still betting on it being a girl, and I was too up until a couple of weeks ago when I had several dreams about it being a boy. Alex and I at this point don't care what it is, we just want to meet him/her already!
Our minimalism journey has us downsizing left and right especially when it comes to clothes we don't wear, kitchen utensils we don't use, and even paperwork! One of my favorite rules that we have now is as soon as we get the mail, we sort it and recycle all the junk mail/ads. It makes for such a nicer, tidier desk space After a few successful sells on Facebook, we waited a few months and then took the rest of the odds and ends down and donated them to Goodwill. It's not that I'm impatient, I just wanted the 4th corner of our living room back! Decluttering post coming soon!
Under the all watchful management of our 2 year old we built a 4 x 8 raised bed and in the next couple of weeks will start prepping our garden and planting! Our window boxes are also waiting the last of chilly night to pass before playing host to a colorful assortment of flowers!
This spring has been busy and it's about to get even more insane with the arrival of Baby Pancake so if you don't hear from me just assume I'm snuggling my cubs, or elbows deep in my garden!
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