110 days. That's how long it is before I no longer have time to myself and peace and quiet and {most important on my list} sleep. I might be a first time mom, but I know what's coming. I am the oldest of five kids, I've seen my mom battle screaming infants for my entire life. I used to nanny, and I got paid to lose sleep. There are some days I just want to go and lock myself away in a quiet cave where it's always spring time and just read. I love my me time and I don't want to lose it. I'm just saying it cause I feel the need to be honest. I don't know if I can deal with up and down all night for months and not lose my sanity. I like to think I can, but if my alarm clock was a person it would probably sue me for the abuse {verbal and physical} I put it through. Well. I have 110 days left. That's 2,640 hours of being baby free. I guess I need to make them count. 

Look out world. I've had my two cups of 1/2 decaf coffee. I'm coming for you. 


  1. It's definitely a huuuuge adjustment...but it's 100 percent worth it. I miss mine and Joes Netflix nights more than anything lol. Just make sure you carve out time as frequently as you can for you time. I didn't do that fast enough and probably would have kept some sanity if i had. Learn from me :p

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