The naming process is scaring me to death. What if Cub hates me for the rest of his life for naming him something that was cute and hip in 2016?! We've pretty much locked in on the name we want him to have {but we also have 3 back up names!}. At this point, it's like being back in college and waking up a week before finals and going, "Hmm, probably should read every single book on this subject that the library has." aka, if I could read a baby name book cover to cover I would be feeling a lot better.

There is so much pressure on naming a little human. Especially when you know that you are going to be saying his name in all manners of emotions over the next 18 years. You want it to be something that you can yell when he is late for his curfew, and something you can whisper in his ear when he snuggles up to you during a thunderstorm. You want it to be universally liked and be assured of the universal knowledge of it's spelling and pronunciation {seriously there's some names out there that I don't even know where to begin when it comes to spelling it, let alone saying it out loud!}. What if I hear a name on the playground when he's 3 and I'm like, "Well crap, we should have named him that"?!

I think my problem is that I'm waiting for the fireworks. You know that moment where you hear a name and it's like, "LAAAAAAA!!!!! THAT'S THE NAME I SHOULD NAME MY FUTURE SON!" and you just love it and after that there's no doubts whatsoever? Yeah, I'm holding out for that moment. But maybe I shouldn't.

My mom says that you rarely have those fireworks moments in life {Nicholas Sparks' movies are a gross misinterpretation on life}  and that sometimes you just kinda need to go with what your gut says {although MY gut told me he was a girl...} and get yourself used to the name by talking to him and using it on a daily basis. What I am learning is that moms have a lot of wisdom. They know what they are talking about. They've been there and done that. My mom has named 5 kids...and so far only one of us has ended up kinda sorta changing it. She went from "Ellen" to "Elle" {insert eye roll here}. So Mom has an 80% success rate with names we can say.

In the end I'm sure a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, and no matter what I name Cub he is going to be a sweet little boy and I can't wait to snuggle him. Here's to less stress and more positive vibes for the rest of this week!


  1. We almost changed Jaces name! About 3 weeks before he was born I started having second thoughts haha. He was almost as Oliver. Thank God we kept it Jace. He looks like a Jace.


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