Dear Noah,

You have this one piece of hair that stands straight up. It's right at the top of your head, and no matter what I do I can't get it to lay down. My efforts to smooth it are somewhat halfhearted I'll admit, it's really too cute to force into submission.

When you're awake you have the biggest, soulful eyes I've ever seen. You look all around you at lights and noises. You're very curious about everything. I love when you hold a piece of my shirt tightly when I'm talking to you. You suck up your bottom lip and just stare at me.

I love just sitting there watching you watch me. And I never get tired of kissing you. Not ever.

Mama loves you, Noah. You are perfect.

All my love always,
Mama Bear xoxoxox


Apologies to all my Instagram followers who see nothing but Noah all over your feed...I have a slight addiction to my child's cuteness. 


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