Succulent Satisfaction

Hi, my name is Rachel and I have harbored a secret obsession for succulents for quite awhile now. It started with my Pinterest board, and quickly blossomed {ha! plant jokes...} into a need to have my own. Soooo since my husband is generous and spoils me, I GOT MY FIRST SUCCULENT AND I HAVEN'T KILLED IT YET! 

Granted it's been 2 days, but this is major progress from the orchid I killed this past spring. I'm hopefully going to be learning more and more about these fun, cute little plants. And of course I will be sharing all my knowledge {as well as all my experiences trying to keep them alive} with you here on the blog! And yes I will be naming them in the near future. Judge me. I'm a Mom now, I bestow names on all things cute and baby. I'm so stoked to have my succulents, and I will probably be adopting wayyyyyyy more than is probably necessary as soon as we get our own house! Can't wait to have my own garden, and teach Cubbers how to grow his own food and some very pretty flowers! 

If you're in the STL area, check out my lifelong friend Laura at LoKey Designs, she will be more than happy to hook you up with a succulent of your very own! She even offers classes so you can create your very own terrarium! 

Stay tuned as I greenify my life! 


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