
This month is going to be crazy, amazing insane!! I'll be nannying two sweet little Princesses Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next 3-4 weeks, so I will let you know how I enjoy being a "mom" to 3 under 3. 

I'm expecting to be somewhat slightly overwhelmed this coming first week, just because there are diapers, and snack times, and trying to keep everyone occupied. Keeping everyone in the same room is about as difficult as walking 20 squirrels through a peanut factory. 

Still. They both have a lot to teach me about loving and playing and becoming more and more childlike in my love. 

Big Sister is the chatty one. She will talk to you about any and everything. She is quite enthralled with Disney Princess Movies, and loves story times. Her curiosity shows a marked intelligence about the world around her.

Little sissy is quieter, but she definitely is the gymnast. She has no fear of any heights. And if you turn your back for a minute be prepared to find her on top of a couch or the trampoline or even the kitchen table! She has a quiet fascination with fishys and enjoys watching Blubber swim around in his fish tank.

Both little girls love "Baby No-No" and are going to be great big sisters to their new little brother or sister in February. They enjoy helping me burp him and snuggle him and cuddle him. 

I'll do my best to snap some candids of their adventures with me and Noah in the coming weeks. Enjoy their sweetness! 


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