4 Months!

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." - Lin Yutang 

Indeed. Motherhood has been the most rewarding job I have ever held. And today we get to celebrate 4 months of giggles, snuggles, tummy rolls, and slobber! I love you, Cub Bear!!!!!!!!

Month 4 has completely flown right by me, and I'm going to blame our wedding reception for that. A week and a half ago, Cubby slept through our wedding reception from 4 pm-Midnight, although he did decide honor us with his presence for the after party. 6 months of marriage, and 4 months of parenthood and Alex and I have never been more in love! I highly recommend parenthood as a way of falling in love with your spouse all over again. Watching Alex come home to Noah every single day, and just start cuddling him and loving on him, is so sweet. Also shout out to the Man for putting up with Noah and I stealing the covers from him {blog post on co-sleeping coming soon!}. You're the real MVP, Babe, and I love you so very much. 

Noah, omgoodness, you have grown by leaps and bounds this month! You are still shy in public, but at home you are slowly coming out of your shell. Your favorite time of the day is around 6:30 am {Just one question: WHOSE SON ARE YOU?!} where you wake Mama and Daddy up with shrieks and kicking off the covers. The first few mornings really freaked us out thinking something was awfully wrong with you, and then by the end of the first week we just realized you REALLY get excited about the sun coming up and shining in the window. 

Congrats on learning how to sit up/roll over/use your voice! Of course now that you know how to roll, you are no longer stationary which means you are moving your little itty bitty cute butt all over the bed/floor/everywhere which requires constant surveillance from Mama. But it's exciting. And when you get REALLY excited you wave your hands and feet and scream your absolute loudest. I got really lucky, cause I got the cutest baby in the whole wide world for my very own!!!! 

Mama Bear

Noah's Favorite Things this month:
  • Shrieking at 6:30 am
  • Wearing his tuxedo for the wedding reception
  • Dancing around the kitchen with Mama and Auntie Elle 
  • Gnawing on EVERYTHING in sight cause you're cutting your first tooth
  • Mr. Crinkles {elephant from Nani!}
Mama's Favorite things this month:
  • The way you engage your little abs and pull yourself into a sitting position
  • The way you still pull your hair when you're getting sleepy
  • Toothless smiles
  • Singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" with you
  • The way you sleep on your back with your mouth hanging open like daddy does!
Daddy's Favorite things this month:
  • The way you say "Good Morning"!!
  • Talking alllllll day long
  • BIG LONG baby stretches when you first wake up
  • The way you kick your legs super fast when you get excited
  • Your cute, little shyness when Mama holds you and when you dig your head into her shoulder 


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