Mom Bod

I wrote this almost 4 months ago and never published it...but here it is now as food for thought on body image.


This is my Mom Bod.

To put it bluntly: I do not have a "Mom Bod". You know what I'm talking about. The negative, dreaded "Mom Bod" that everyone jokes/cries about. When I walked into the hospital on June 26th at 6:30 am I weighed in at 150 pounds. The most I've ever weighed in my entire life. Today I step on the scale and find that it reads 105 pounds. The least I've ever weighed in my entire adult life.

I don't look like I have been pregnant or had a baby. I don't have any stretch marks. I didn't gain any baby weight. In fact, that last time I am weighed this much was in middle school. Don't get me wrong I love the fact I didn't have to do anything to get back down to 105 pounds. Having struggled with my body image since high school, I'm finally down to wearing size 0 jeans for the first time in my life and I don't have to hit the gym in order to keep it.

That doesn't mean I appreciate it when people complain about me.  Ok, I feel like I shouldn't be this mad because it's not like I work out or do anything to actually drop my weight. I just have a high metabolism, and breast feeding burns my calories faster than I can build them up. And you need to factor in all the stress of a first time mom who is hosting a wedding reception in a week for 150 people.

To all those people who have said "You don't even look like you had a baby!" with a nasty full body scan,
You may hate me for not having tiger stripes......Or love handles....Or extra weight....but you are making ME hate myself for being tiny. I want to feel good about myself and every time you degrade me like this, you are taking chunks out of my self image.

I think the lesson here is that we need to build each other up. Not drag someone down. No matter what they look like. We are all givers of life. We are all beautiful. We have made beautiful children with these bodies. These bodies are strong. These bodies are miracles. These bodies are ours.


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