I'm Back!

Summer was awesome, complete with giant flamingos!
I feel like it's been so long since I actually sat down and opened my laptop to blog. I know that I have published stuff here and there, but since the beginning of summer I just haven't been in the exact headspace to blog! I've definitely missed it, so while I'm waiting for the pizza to finish and with Cubby napping before dinner I'll take a moment to catch you all up to some crazy life changes that have been going on!

First and foremost, the Bear Cub has turned the big 1!!! He is so big now and his motor skills are unbelievable. He tries to say most words, but the most understandable have been "Mama", "Dada", "Bye-bye", "Hi!", "Dog", "Shoes", and "Juice". Despite his vocabulary limitations, he is smart enough to understand every single word I am saying so I can have full conversations with him. He knows almost all the names for every appliance we have, I ask him to go get me something and even if it's in the next room he runs and comes back two seconds later with the exact thing I need! We have a great co-sleeping routine going. Although he does start out and spend the first half of the night in his own big boy bed.

Being a Boy Mom is the absolute best!
I also am doing a self thing. I don't really know what to call it. Basically I have given up social media for a year. Contrary to past times of giving up social media this time, two months into it I really started to miss it. I'm not sure why exactly but I'm pretty sure that the stress of being an adult was getting to me and my anxiety didn't have anything to distract it.

So in order to distract myself I took up writing and competed in my 2nd NaNoWriMo! I didn't win {of course, I'm a mom, wife, and work part time....there's other good excuses but I've already used those.} I did complete my own personal goal of writing 5,000 words this month and managed to wow myself. I like this whole writing thing. I think I'm going to keep up with it for the rest of the year, who knows? Come next August I may be used to answering, "No I don't have social media. Yes I am weird and abnormal. Yes I hate my generation too. Have a nice day, sir."

But the biggest life announcement so far is, as of two weeks ago we have a house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {all the exclamation points! Screw grammar!}

Since I was a little girl I have not only planned my wedding but also dreamed of my first house, and I'm happy to say that this house checks off so many details that I loved. From the second we walked through the door Alex and I felt that we were home. And so we managed to survive the process of buying our little house within the past month. So far I love being a homeowner, despite the fact that we have not had one chill weekend in our house. We have constantly had a project we are trying to finish on time, or discovering new ones that need to be completed. But, we are so happy to have found and moved into our first house as a family and we could not have done it without all the blessings our family and friends have showered upon us!!!

I think that's it so far, we have a lot of family vacations coming up in the next month and a half {three to be exact, but who's panicking?!} which I will do my best to keep you updated on!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned!


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