Momming Update

Yeah. I don't call it  Parenthood" cause that's a little too 90s for me. I call it 'Momming" Parenthood sounds like a noun. A state of life, a season that will pass. Momming is a verb. It's an action. Which being a Boy Mama is definitely a thing. You are always running, discovering, dancing, laughing, playing. When your feet hit the ground in the morning you don't stop til long after the sun goes down. Momming is giving up pretty much your whole day to chance, because honestly your child most likely will not want to participate or let you participate in the things you have scheduled for that day. But it's the best. Momming keeps you real. It teaches you everything you didn't know you needed to learn. I am daily floored by my lack of knowledge and the love that I have for this tiny human.

Noah has, is and always will be my favorite treasure. He is 21 months and unbelievably intelligent. He is caring and loves to help me with our pets, but he is also into EVERYTHING. He has to investigate absolutely every closed door or drawer. He also has zero stranger danger instincts {I'm so totally winning at this mom thing}. Once I walked 50 feet down the trail in hopes that this would coax him to follow me. Instead he watched me leave, and then turning marched off the trail and into the woods with no fear whatsoever. For all those mamas with clingy children, don't worry this whole independent toddler is SO overrated.

We are settling in to a routine of sorts, with the new house and no upcoming vacations in sight. Noah and I enjoy having my days off work so that we can play with our letter magnets, and eat snacks, and play hide n seek. He still isn't talking much but I'm not worried because whenever he is learning something I can actually see his little brain working to store those memories away as he intently bends over his new project.

WE GOT ALMOST ALL THE TEETH! -- only a couple more molars to go and then I can leave my house without packing an extra shirt for myself in case the one I'm wearing gets covered in drool.

We are getting ready to stop our cosleeping routine and while I'm sad I won't get early morning snuggles {the best kind too, where he wraps my whole head in his arms and clutches it to his chest!} my kidneys are so grateful they won't be pummeled by tiny feet in the middle of the night. Alex and I are researching the best way to get him to start sleeping his big boy bed, and that includes Mama and Daddy campouts on the floor next to his bed. Prayers cause this is going to be a whole new rodeo.

I know I sometimes suck at keeping things real and going back to the roots of this blog, so please forgive me my tangents where I go off on books, or fish, or my personal opinions. To make up for this serious personality flaw, please enjoy some pictures of my adorably perfect child!

Sharing is caring. And sticky.

Did I mention that he LOVES to bake?! 

Yes his shoes are two sizes too big. Thanks for asking. 

Selfie with Mommy cause it's the 21st century

Snow is so cool guys!

Breakfast done right.


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